The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114550   Message #2446969
Posted By: Donuel
21-Sep-08 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to destroy America
Subject: RE: BS: How to destroy America
How has America been destroyed?

First you use the courts. The Supreme Court is best.
The Constitution and judicial decisions were always found on the presumption of liberty. Liberty was the guiding light for court decisions.
For the last 30 years the concept of liberty as the foundation of decisions has given way to a foundation of the fight of government to complete and total authority!! (read the book (the dirty dozen) about 12 cases that subverted the Constituion toward Government power and away from Liberty.

Then you rig the economy and get rid of anti trust laws , unions, and banking regulations.

Establish new police powers and new police agencies.

Make Congress acessable only to big money lobbyists.

Let the Lobbyists right the laws.

AND   POOOOF    here we are.

PS owning the media and think tanks to dream up new rip off schemes speeds things up