The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22523   Message #244717
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
19-Jun-00 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: What is it about the Brits?
Subject: RE: What is it about the Brits?
I think Brit is rhyming slang anyway...

There's a quote that fits in here. And it applies to the way most of these threads seem to stir people up:

"So far as criticism is concerned, we don't resent that, unless it is absolutely biased - as it usually is." That's from Prime Minister Vorster of South Africa 1966-78, and President 1978-79. Resigned after financial and political scandals.

And here's something I wrote about my employers when I was a Social Worker, and about how they treated criticism from outside (or inside, to be fair) - and I posted it in one of the gun control threads, but it seems relevant here too.

Dialogue of the Deaf

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes
We know that, though we do our best,
we are fallible.
You appear to believe
that we believe we never make mistakes.
This is so absurd
that you must be either fools or liars.
It is clear that you see us as our enemies,
and that we cannot trust you.
Therefore we must give you
no ammunition that you can use against us.
So we must at no time
admit to making any mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
You never admit to making any mistakes.
This is so absurd
that you must be either fools or liars.
It is clear that you see us as your enemies,
and we cannot trust you.
Therefore we must give you
no opportunity to get away with any mistakes.
So we must at no time
admit that anything you do is right.

You criticise everything we do.
Apparently in your eyes,
we can do nothing right.
This is so absurd
that you must be either fools or liars.
It is clear that you see us as your enemies,
and we cannot trust you.
So we will not listen to any of your criticisms.

You never listen to our criticisms.
You appear to think that you never make mistakes.
This is so absurd
that you must be either fools or liars.
It is clear that you see us as your enemies,
and we cannot trust you.
If we letup, you will never admit
that you make mistakes.
Until you do that,
we will find fault with everything you do.BR>

The Mudcat is a pretty friendly neighbourhood, all things considered, such as the riff-raff from all over who've moved in over the years...

Love your enemies is just another way of saying love your neighbours. (I think Chesterton said something like that, but I can't find the quote. Anyway though he probably said it better, my version is shorter.)