The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110154   Message #2447313
Posted By: Teribus
22-Sep-08 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Subject: RE: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
"To deal with a trivial one first, Teribus has been selective in quoting Mugabe's assessment of himself as a Marxist. Mugabe always described himself as a "Catholic Marxist." Maybe it just didn't suit Teribus's agenda to call Mugabe "a good little Christian." - Peter K

Nothing "selective" about it Peter, merely observation, I couldn't give a damn for how Bob describes himself - Judge men by what they do - As President of Zimbabwe Mugabe sure as hell ain't running along "Christian" lines, although the "loaves and fishes" stunt would stand him in good sted - so taking a look at Zimbabwe I see a country that used to enjoy all the benefits of prosperity, a country that could look forward to a bright future, I saw that country with all its propects flushed down the pan in accordance with the practice and implementation of all the tenets of Marxist ideological twaddle. As for "agendas"?? I don't know about you, I don't have one.