The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36465   Message #2447321
Posted By: Vin2
22-Sep-08 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: manchester sports guild folk club
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
I can picture the rooms now - jazz donwnstairs originally (i think Maynard Fergusson was guest a couple of times) and folk upstairs where i first saw Carthy/Swarb. Then downstairs in larger room, bar on left as you go in and stage in middle on right with the 'bogs' at the back which flooded on the last night as Harding did his bit (on stage singing i mean).

I remember the Old House at Home too Mary; down Bottomley Side way. I work at M/C Uni now - didn't you used to run the folk club hear a few years ago. By the way - fab gig at Saddleworth!
