The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22464   Message #244767
Posted By: catspaw49
19-Jun-00 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Not 'Folk' - what should we call it?
Subject: RE: BS: Not 'Folk' - what should we call it?
An Aran is a citizen of Aranrefrain, a small country which specializes in shagging sheep. Its located just to the southeast of Dumthred and its first born are all sent to Mexico to apprentice as umbrella skinners. The climate in Mexico is far warmer than their native land, hence the term Aran sweaters. Those left behind shagging sheep in the abject poverty of the homeland are tired and, oppressed by the Dumthred armies, often leap from buildings and are Aran jumpers. Fortunately the highest building in Aranrefrain is only 6 foot high.

Hope this helps.
