The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114550   Message #2447785
Posted By: Donuel
22-Sep-08 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to destroy America
Subject: RE: BS: How to destroy America
Here is another way to look at it...

Henry the bank teller looks at his pocket watch, a talisman of his that reminds him of his great grandfather who supposedly worked at a bank in Nebraska during the Wild West.
"11:11 AM" he mutters and checks the time against the big Congressional Bank lobby clock.
Just then two men staunchly swagger straight for his window without stopping at the receipt counter. One was average height and walked loosely the other one was stout and menacing. The gangly guy spoke in a near Texan accent that mimicked an authoritarian tone but sounded just palin silly. "Gimme all yer cash, I gotta start a war and I'm ina hurry". "We're all dead if you don't" grumbled the little fat guy.

Henry pressed the silent alarm with his right big toe, sending a signal to the media and the bank manager. "How much do you need sir?"
"Quit yer stallin and give me the cash!" Henry could see Mr. Rockefeller, the manager, approach. "Hiya George, I'm Mr. R, we were expecting you, but these things are usually done in the board room…Henry? its OK Mr. G and Mr. D are with big oil and what ever they need is fully approved. how much to start George"
"Gimme all ya got". Mr. R chuckles and motions for Henry to go to the vault for the large parcel.

Henry gets Ken and Rudy to get the        forklift loaded with wrapped money on the way to the loading dock. "What was that all about Henry? said Ken, "I don't know, I've never seen anything like it, and Mr. R said not to put it on the books!"

This goes on for years while Henry's boss brags about buying super sub prime machine gunned loans with a front end loader and bundled security package. With all the mondy going out the back door without any records of it Henry thinks about what his Grandfather would do. This had all the ear marks of a heist.

Its September and sure enough Henry sees George furtively heading for his teller window. This time his partner is tall thin and bald.
"Gimme everthin an this time I really mean everything , make it quick, I got Dick waitin in the car.!" Henry braces himself and for only the second time in 7 years he presses the alarm. This time the alarm is also connected to police agencies.

Henry timidly asks "What is it for?"
"I don't have time to tell you what for, the world will end if ya don't hurry up, now git goin". 'BLAM' Everyone turns toward the sound and sees Dick with a rifle standing over a man in his nineties laying on the sidewalk .
"SHeeit, not agin" snarled George.

Two police were now headed into the bank, one tall and black with a Sheriff badge and the other a white haired detective.
"Whats going on here?" asked the Sheriff. George chimes in impatiently but without confidence, "I need $700 Billion dollars in a hurry and that's just fer starters!"

The Sheriff asks both Henry and George "Is this a planned withdrawal?
"YES" "NO" said George and Henry. The Detective waves his hand in dismissal and says, "There are no laws being broken here, this here is a deregulated bank, let him carry out his plan."
George barks "Comon already I'm inna huury I got Dick out there and he jus might shoot someone else if this takes any longer!"

The Black Sheriff asks quietly "What is your plan, man to man?"
"We don't have time for plans, we gotta take this money right now before we close the banks" Henry springs into action, "You're nothing but a filthy lying crook you..#@#*#:
Detective McCain breaks up the scuffle with just one powerful forearm .

"He's right we don't have time to discuss this money what its for where it s going and who we are going to give it to"
The Black Sheriff looks at the Detective and raises one eyebrow like Spock "..and who WE are going to give it too? ..You are in on this too?"
"No well I mean uh the plan is fundamentally sound I mean the people are fundamentalists and they need…aw shit''' RUN FOR IT BOYS"
The Detective races for the door in his walker while George and the bald guy head for Dick's getaway car….