The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114550   Message #2448040
Posted By: Teribus
23-Sep-08 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to destroy America
Subject: RE: BS: How to destroy America
On those points that according to CarolC that haven't been resolved yet:

1. Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)

"Citing UN Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003), and the laws of war, the CPA vested itself with executive, legislative, and judicial authority over the Iraqi government from the period of the CPA's inception on April 21, 2003, until its dissolution on June 28, 2004."

I'd say that for something that was predicted by the chattering left as never going to be disbanded and was going to be used by the "evil US Administration of George W. Bush" to make Iraq into some sort of US colony it's pretty much resolved CarolC. It ceased to exist four and a quarter years ago!!!!

2. US - Permanent Bases in Iraq

Current and final UN Security Council Mandate for MNF troops expires on 31st December, 2008 - That's about 100 days away CarolC - I ask again where are these permanent US bases in Iraq?? The Governments of the USA and Iraq (Note CarolC Government of Iraq not the CPA) are negotiating conditions for continued presence of US troops in Iraq until 2011 at the latest by which time ALL foreign troops must be out of Iraq (Express wish of the Iraqi Government) - There are no permanent US bases in Iraq are there CarolC?? So I'd count that as being pretty much resolved as well.

3. All about Oil - US in Iraq to "steal" Iraq's Oil

This used to be quite a popular notion here on mudcat. No-ones so vocal about it know as the first deals appear to have been struck with people the Iraqi's did business with before, namely French, Russians and Chinese. Oh dear not so much as a single barrel of oil "stolen" by those "big-bad-Americans", Dianavan must be mortified. Until such time as someone can prove that this has happened I'd say that this particular issue, always in practical terms a non-starter, is resolved as well.