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Thread #92714   Message #2448374
Posted By: Teribus
23-Sep-08 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Article III - Misleading the American People and Members of Congress to Believe Iraq Possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, to Manufacture a False Case for War.

20 x 20 hindsight in operation here Amos?. If this holds water it has to be proven that the Bush administration knew for a fact that WMD did not exist in Iraq. What was presented at the time was the worst case scenario, i.e. that such weapons did exist. Saddam Hussein openly admits that he did everything in his power to lend credence to the belief through out the region and the world that he still maintained stocks of chemical and biological weapons. The nub of UN Security Council Resolution 1441 was to establish beyond doubt what the status was, it was not to find WMD in Iraq – Oddly enough Amos to this day nobody can say with any certainty that they do not exist. What was discovered was that Saddam Hussein's WMD programmes were still running in contravention of the Safwan Agreement, that sanctions were demonstrably not working and that the "oil for food" programme was being run as a UN scam.

Basis for all evaluation was the UNSCOM Report to the United Nations Security Council in January 1999.

Every single member of the United Nations Security Council was concerned enough about the situation with regard to WMD in Iraq to vote for Resolution 1441 - Even Syria.

So where, and in what way were "the people" mislead? Neither the Senate or the House of Representatives was "mislead" - After all it was they who identified the threat, simple matter of record. Can either you, or Dennis, please detail what say "the people" have in matters affecting the security of the United States of America.