The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109271 Message #2448799
Posted By: GUEST,John Moulden
24-Sep-08 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index
It should be observed that the publication by the Causeway Press - "Ulster Songbook" - referred to above is an almost total plagiarism. It reprinted, without permission, songs from Hugh Shields Shamrock Rose and Thistle, Cathal Ó Baoill Songs of County Down, of my own selection of songs from the Sam Henry collection (published 1979 as 'Songs of the People: part one') and The Orange Lark and Lilliburlero, two of the publications of the Lurgan, Co. Armagh based Ulster Society. This resulted in a dispute which was settled by the Causeway Press making a donation to the Irish Traditional Music Archive. The tunes are all in the books referred to.