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Thread #114174   Message #2449140
Posted By: Amos
24-Sep-08 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Notes on the Presidential Campaign
U.S. Democrat Barack Obama has opened a nine-point lead in the race for president against Republican John McCain amid voter concerns over the U.S. financial crisis, according to a poll published Wednesday.

The Washington Post-ABC news poll suggests Obama has backing from 52 per cent of voters, compared with McCain, who has support from 43 per cent of voters.

According to the poll, respondents gave Obama a double-digit edge in his ability to handle a troubled economy over McCain, while just nine per cent of those questioned rated the economy as being in good or excellent shape, reported the Washington Post.

The new numbers mark the first time Obama has garnered more than 50 per cent of the vote, and indicates a significant shift in voter attitudes compared with two weeks ago at the conclusion of the Republican national convention.

With McCain's newly appointed vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin garnering headlines and handclaps across the United States, the Republican candidate held a slight lead in polls, edging Obama 49 per cent to 47 per cent.

But the economy has since become the top issue in the race to the White House following widespread turmoil in U.S. financial markets.

McCain has repeatedly come under criticism for his handling of the issue, particularly for comments he made a week ago when he characterized the economy as "fundamentally sound." ...

(CBC News)