The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2449250
Posted By: GUEST,petr
24-Sep-08 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
well pigs are flying and hell actually has frozen over - now that Comrade Bush has nationalized bear stearns aig and the frannies.. and spend 700+billion (clean with no strings attached) also Paulsons demands are that there be no accountability on his part - that he should be free of any legal review etc.. Only weeks ago he was saying the economy is fundamentally sound .. (I dont think they have a clue as to what theyre doing)

- Sweden went through a similar bubble and crash in the early 90s but they certainly didnt hand over the money no strings attached..

and now that congress is demanding a say in top managers salaries
those same wall st. bankers who made the mess are actually saying 'its not appropriate for Govt to decide salaries..'

Wolfgang is absolutely right about the rest of the world not being interested in bearing the burden when the US overspends and the dollar loses value.. (Which is why Cheney said that 'deficits dont matter'
they always knew the US could pass it on to the rest of the world -since the dollar is the worlds main currency, many nations have money in treasury bills, oil is traded in $s. The point is that a state taxes its citizens - an empire taxes other nations) So when the dollar devalues everyone else bears the burden.