The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114696   Message #2449336
Posted By: Bobert
24-Sep-08 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who will Pres. Sarah Pick as her VP???
Subject: BS: Who will Pres. Sarah Pick as her VP???
Well, I reckon that if John McCain wins then he's got5 about 2 years before he dies and we'll have Ms. Sarah as Ms. President and was just wonderin' who she would pick as her VP...

My choice would be to keep it in the family and pick hubby, "First Dude"... Then in '12 the bumber stickers would look real cool "Palin/Palin"...

Maybe by then the "I'm a fu*kin' redneck" son-in-law-to-be will be old enough to be Secretary of State and all will be wonderfull in Sit-com America???

But really, folks... Who do you think that Ms. Sarah would pick???
