The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114650   Message #2450030
Posted By: maire-aine
25-Sep-08 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bailout
Subject: RE: BS: The Bailout
I listened to George Bush's address to the nation last night, and I don't believe a word out of that man's mouth. This is just another case of fear-mongering by the Republican neo-cons and their greedy Wall Street cohorts. Bush listed off a whole litany of terrible things that supposedly will happen if the taxpayers don't immediately bail out the fat cats in the corner offices. This sounds suspiciously like the run up to the ill-fated Iraq War, when Bush insisted that Congress immediately pass the "resolution for the use of force". The result was a war that began the downward spiral of the U. S. economy. And now he wants the taxpayers to give him a blank check for $700 billion? I only hope that the Congress can grow a spine, and put the necessary controls in place. This is not a time to reward Wall Street for their bad behaviour.