The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114696   Message #2450701
Posted By: Bobert
26-Sep-08 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will Pres. Sarah Pick as her VP???
Subject: RE: BS: Who will Pres. Sarah Pick as her VP???
Hey, I'd take the job... I'd invite her and Firts Dude down to my farm to blast the crap outta some of these pesky deer... I'd wash the Oval Office windows fir her and bring her coffee, too... I might even lernt her up some hillbilly... Hillbilly is differenter than redneck and she could sho nuff use some hillbilly... What else??? Oh yeah, I'd learnt her up some geography so when she goes off to negotiate stuff with Putin-head she won't get lost... I'd hate to think of that poor woman out there in her Humvee all lostercated tryin' to find Russia...

Yeah, let it be known that I am available just as long as UI don't have to cut off my pony-tail to be VP 'casue the Constiturion don't say nuthin' about pony tails...
