The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114650   Message #2450811
Posted By: Amos
26-Sep-08 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Bailout
Subject: RE: BS: The Bailout
In his first days in office, Hoover said, "Americans are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of the land." Oops. And just before he was swept to the dunce corner of history, Hoover said, "No one has yet starved." At the time, people in rural America were eating brined tumbleweed and road-kill rabbits; the unemployment rate was 25 percent.

But the larger lesson is how Wall Street brought down Main Street. Banks were largely unregulated then, free to gamble people's savings on stock market long-shots. When the market collapsed, the uninsured deposits went with it. By the end of 1932, one fourth of all banks were shuttered, and 9 million people lost their savings.

In this century, thanks to the deregulatory demons released by former McCain adviser Phil Gramm and embraced by just enough lobbyist-greased Democrats, Wall Street was greenlighted again to act like a casino. Banks in the heartland passed on their mortgages to Wall Street, where they were sliced and diced in hundreds of largely incomprehensible ways. And while few people understand how those investment giants made money, this much is clear: it was a killing. In 2006 alone, Wall Street firms paid out $62 billion in bonuses.

With all the urgency of that famous National Lampoon magazine cover that showed a cute pooch with a gun to its head, and the line "If You Don't Buy This Magazine, We'll Kill This Dog," President Bush says the biggest bailout in American history must be passed now or the world will crumble. He said a similar thing in the run-up to war.

Just once, it might be worthwhile to listen to a dirt farmer like Jon Tester, who wonders why the same breathless attention is not given to the concerns of average Americans. Ah, but he's only been in the Senate two years. Give him another term and he may start quoting Phil Gramm with approval.