The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22411   Message #245113
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
20-Jun-00 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football without tears
Subject: RE: BS: Football without tears
Ah, but didn't the Romanians make a far better hand of singing their national anthem? I reckoned they couldn't lose after this. And checking out the words just now, I see why:

"Awaken Thee, Romanian!"

Awaken thee, Romanian, shake off the deadly slumber
The scourge of inauspicious barbarian tyrannies
And now or never to a bright horizon clamber
That shall to shame put all your nocuous enemies.
It's now or never to the world we readily proclaim
In our veins throbs and ancestry of Roman
And in our hearts for ever we glorify a name
Resounding of battle, the name of gallant Trajan.
Do look imperial shadows, Michael, Stephen, Corvinus
At the Romanian nation, your mighty progeny
With arms like steel and hearts of fire impetuous
It's either free or dead, that's what they all decree.
Priests, rise the cross, this Christian army's liberating
The word is freedom, no less sacred is the end
We'd rather die in battle, in elevated glory
Than live again enslaved on our ancestral land.

Thta's what I call a stirring set of words to get the old sinews going. And I'm sure they work a lot better in Romanian. And the tune matched it for fervour.

God save our gracious Queen... - just doesn't really measure up, does it? It means the poor old English team effectively start a goal down.