The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113945   Message #2451510
Posted By: Charmion
27-Sep-08 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
I started cleaning up the garden to get ready for winter and found mildew all over the honeysuckle -- it rained all summer. This is the first time mildew has appeared here, and it's seriously yucky; I had to glean even the smallest leaf from the ground, and then wash my garden gloves and pruners in Javex. The next problem was the John Cabot rose, which is now enormous -- its top canes reaching up way above my head -- after 10 years of dominating the only sunny spot in the garden. What it really needs is one of those arched arbour things, but those are kinda hard to fit into a downtown handkerchief like our back yard. This rose means business: it has thorns that pierce a leather work glove.