This, however, is all over the place, much like me. Doesn't know if it wants to rhyme or not. It probably needs editing... a LOT of editing. I used to write stuff like this when I was young, and I'd hide a bit of rhyme in it. I also wanted to turn this into a legend with a crow bringing the promise of life and setting the conditions.
Stone Woman
The world is made of one too many sunsets, Glowing bittersweet fire through dusky clouds at the end of too-short days.
It is said that statues sometime live, No one knows what magic makes it so.
Stone Woman watched as three times the sun rose- Molten gold in a sky of cornflower blue possibility
The first day glowed with joyful color, Until the sky went black and the light was ripped away Like a door slamming shut After just a glimpse of joy denied.
On the second day, the morning bloomed vermillion and marigold Promising fullness and warmth But smothering clouds soaked up the sun Sucked out the air and mocked her foolish hope. The world dimmed slowly, allowing her to believe sunset was illusion So when might came, it was all the sadder.
On the third day, a bashful sun kissed the morning. The far-away was amethyst and peach; the sunlight, golden laughter. Stone Woman watched and longed to join the birds of dawn, and lift upon the breath of a sigh She thought, 'Night will only come again' But she opened her heart one last time. As long as life had not abandoned her, she would not abandon it.
She wanted happiness but knew that day too would end, When it did, she faced west to never see the dawn again She was given three days to live and feel before she turned again to stone And in what passes for a heart in a stone thing She wondered at the cruelty love and life could bring She knew she was not blessed but cursed, to remember all and to be alone
And she stood through cycles of day and dark for uncountable years The days were dimmer, the grey land stark, and the rain was all she had for tears.