The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2452531
Posted By: Barry Finn
29-Sep-08 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
Rigs, you have not looked at the Great Depression at all have you. Orginized Crime got it's real start & boost during the 20's & into the early 30's with the proabition era but the gambling that was not a big winner prior to the depression & probabition became the major side effect of the poverty when the depression hit. So much so that it was fought overe for the control of this quickly rising industry. It was realized very quickly by the bookies that when the economy was at it's worst that's when the poor have no hope & try all the more to gamble their way out of poverty. What the bookies knew then is a scientific fact now. Kind of like drilling our way out of our oil crsis, gambling our way out of poverty.

"Palin will wise up real quick, I suspect, and quit responding to graduate students from Temple"

So she needs to bite down hard on her foot so her mouth stays closed on her foot & she can't be heard, even when she does speak, great quality for a canidate. Why not just put duct take acoss her lips so we can't read them tell she gets in office & then we can find out what a lying idiot she is? It'll be to late by then, MaCain can't hide her from now till the elections though it seems aas if that's what he'd love to do, another idiot whose lost his village.

"That's a lot different than Obama's proposal of just simply invading Pakistan without pre-conditions"

That's not what Obama said & you know that Rig.
