The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22411   Message #245317
Posted By: GUEST,Airto
21-Jun-00 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football without tears
Subject: RE: BS: Football without tears
Billy Connolly reached the same conclusion as you, McGrath, about God Save The Queen. His proposal was to have her gracious majesty come onto the pitch on horseback singing la la la-la la la la to the Archers theme tune.

While still on the subject of anthems, the very fact that you could hear the Romanian one being sung loud and clear last night was refreshing. Normally at England matches the opposition anthem is drowned out by whistling. Not so last night.

Something else very refreshing was Kevin Keegan's reaction to England's defeat. I thought he was very frank and realistic about his team's ability. He said his team wasn't good enough and first class commitment couldn't compensate for lack of technique.

Another refreshing thing was BBC having Johann Cruyff on their studio panel. Paying a Dutchman to tell some home truths. And nobody blamed the referee either.

Things are looking up. The decent, broad-minded element in English football are starting to assert themselves.

Arthur O'Malley