The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39309 Message #2453702
Posted By: theleveller
30-Sep-08 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Subject: RE: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
I only have one and I've had it for the last 12 years - a Lowden 010C. I wouldn't part with it for any other guitar (although a friend has an early Frank Bown that I like a lot) as nothing suits my style of playing and type of music as well. I think it's a particularly good example as most people who try it, love it. David Delarre of Mawkin spent half an hour playing it recently and only gave it back when I promised to leave it to him in my will (fortunately, he's a young bloke so there may just be a possibility of his getting it some day!).
I would like to try a Mcilroy, made by the bloke who was one of Lowden's luthiers before setting up on his own - but give up my wonderful, full-bodied, dark-voiced Irish beauty? Never!