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Thread #109271 Message #2453811
Posted By: Wolfgang
30-Sep-08 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Subject: RE: Irish Songbook Index PermaThread
Georges Denis Zimermann
Songs of Irish Rebellion Irish political street ballads and rebel songs 1780 – 1900
This book was first published in Switzerland in 1966. It has three parts. The first part tells the story of Irish rebellion with more than just one eye to the music accompanying the fights. It is a must read for anyone interested in this type of songs and how they are related to the politics in Ireland and Europe. This part quotes the songs in the other two parts but quotes many more songs than just these. Since these quotes are not indexed and mostly do not give the full lyrics I omit here these songs. The next two parts contain the songs, a large second part the rebel songs and the very small third part some Orange songs. Many of the songs have the tune printed as well and most of them have notes. All of them, however, are annotated in the first part of the book. The songs come in chronological order (of first publication). In all cases the source(s) for the lyrics printed (older books, broadsides) are given. You should expect in many cases not to find the lyrics now printed in songbooks but original or close to original lyrics. From that follows that the titles are in some cases not as expected by a reader though the verbosity of broadsides (A new song called…A song in praise of…) has mostly been omitted. In cases where the song titles might be misleading I quote the first line. I'll indicate if more than one variant of the song is printed.
The (royal) blackbird The volunteers' march Ireland's glory Freedom triumphant Plant, plant the tree Blaris Moor (2 var.) The Shan van Vocht (4 var.) Edward ("When plaintive sounds strike…") Dunlavin green (2 var.) Come all you warriors Some treat of David (2 var.) Billy Byrne of Ballymanus (2 var.) The song of Prosperous Captain Doorley and the Boyne Michael Boylan General Munroe ("Come all you good people…") (2 var.) Rody MacCorly ("You tender-hearted Christians…") Rouse, Hibernians The Croppy boy ("…early, early all in the spring…") (3 var.) The rambler from Clare Green on my cape – The wearing of the green ("I am a man that's going to travel…") (2 var., the other being the better known "I met with Napper Tandy...") The suit of green Bold McDermott The banished defender My Emmet's no more The patriot queen Erin's green shore The young man's dream The new Granuwale The green linnet (Napoleon) The royal eagle The new bunch of Loughero – The bonny bunch of roses, o (2 var.) The banishment of Patrick Brady Owen Rooney's lamentation The battle that was fought in the North The lamentation of James O'Sullivan A discussion between church and chapel The sorrowful lamentation of Denis Mahony The noble ribbon boys The Castlepollard massacre The Barrymore tithe victory Slieve na Mon ("You banished sons of this injured nation…") Fergus O'Connor and independence The grey horse – The grey mare (2 var.) ("My horse is white although…" and "All you young men both great and small…) The peeler and the goat The ass's complaint – The ass and the Orangeman's daughter (2 var.) ("The seventeenth of March as I carelessly did stray…" and "In the County of Tipperary in a place called Longford Cross…") Dicky in the Yeomen Billy's downfall The Saxon shilling Glorious repeal meeting held at Tara hill The memory of the dead The Croppy boy ("Good men and true…") The sorrowful lamentation of those poor convicts Erin's King or Daniel is no more The Kerry eagle Erin's green linnet The emigrant's farewell to Donegal A new song on the rotten potatoes Mitchel's address Granua's lament for the loss of the blackbird Mitchel The escape of Meagher A lament written on the dreadful massacre of Sixmilebridge Patrick Sheehan The lamentation of the two Cormacks McKenna's dream The Irish harvest men's triumph Ireland's liberty tree The general fox chase The rising of the moon Rossa's farewell Burke's dream The smashing of the van (Manchester martyrs) A lamentation on Allen, Larkin and O'Brien (the three Manchester martyrs) God save Ireland Rory of the hill Bold Jack O'Donoghue (2 var.) Poor old Granuaile Harvey Duff The Land League's advice A new song on Michael Davitt ("Oh, Lords and the Commons…" The blackbird of Avondale (The arrest of Parnell) The shooting of Bailey The green linnet (Davitt) ("One eve as I strolled…) Lamentable lines on J. Brady and D. Curley Skin-the-Goat's curse on Carey Patrick O'Donnell The Kerry eviction Moonlight attack on Curtin's house We won't hear our leader run down Father Murphy of the County Wexford (Boulavogue) Bold Robert Emmet John McBride's brigade
Lisnagade Croppies lie down (2 var.) The tree of liberty Dolly's Brae (2 var.) The grand mystic order The Aughalee heroes The murder of McBriars A new loyal song against home rule