The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113945   Message #2453861
Posted By: wysiwyg
30-Sep-08 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
I dug out the box of tapes I'm converting-- knew where they were exactly, but had to move a couple of boxes to get the cabinet door open. Threw out some papers in the intervening boxes and stacked them for later culling. Threw out the "blank" tapes that had been saved to re-use for the 30th time, because they're crap! Threw out a few other poorly-copied tapes because they're crap! Re-arranged the hand weights in a better spot. Fastened a tall, tiny side table to the ski machine for a water station (to keep dogs from knocking it down).   Set aside a few tapes for Hardi to listen to during his longer workouts, to decide if he wants them MP3-d. Set up the system for prioritizing the good tapes to copy and managing the flow. Got one copied and listed for giveaway. Got it clipped into individual MP3s and ID3 tags edited (software). Determining the BPM for each track now (software) to stow them in my workout music folder.

Sadie walked this whole time, while Faulkner hung out.

While the tape was running in realtime to convert, I enjoyed listening to something else on the workout room's stereo. I also looked again at the small-church resource library and music-book shelves, thinking about their further organization and use.
