The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22566 Message #245396
Posted By: GUEST,Mrr
21-Jun-00 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: So Where IS Your Computer???
Subject: RE: So Where IS Your Computer???
Oh yeah, forgot to say that my part of the Great Adventure was at a gig, so Bill didn't get to see my pewter, but AllanC might have. I can't remember if he's been to my digs since I moved in there or not (and being the sweetie of the sister of my X2B, he might have, as I still have very good relations with everyone ELSE in that family). Also he (AllanC) lives only a mile or 2 away. But if I did have him over, it was before I joined the Mudcat or at least before he knew I had and I knew he was in it, which I only found out fairly recently.