The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58140   Message #2454962
Posted By: Ian Hendrie
01-Oct-08 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: What songs are native to Derbyshire?
Subject: RE: What songs are native to Derbyshire?
I have always liked the following 'Song of a Derbyshire Man' which I transcribed many years ago from a recording of a radio (or perhaps TV) broadcast. This, if my memory serves me correctly, was a 'Ballad of the Northwest' broadcast in the early 70's. I always thought it was written by a Ken Campbell but I may be completely wrong. I would be pleased to know of its origins.

When I was a young man I heard the old tales
Stories and legends of Derbyshire dales
Of forests and mountains with rivers descending
The warm lights of Castleton when day is ending

Chorus: Song of a Derbyshire man
        Living his life the best way he can
        Here's to the limer, the farmer, the miner
        The song of a Derbyshire man

Now me father's a smelter as many would say
Me mother's o'er dressing down Monyash way
And me being nimble and that way inclining
They very soon put me down to the lead mining

Now I met pretty Nelly in Buxton parade
Oh, she was a beauty, rock-crusher by trade
Soon we were married, now we have a daughter
All living in a cottage in Ashford in the Water

Now I've worked through the toadstone, been wet in the shale
Dug fluorspar and Blue John, I've filled up me pail
These underground waters with many reflections
From Matlock to Tideswell and other directions

Farewell to the Magpie just like an old whore
You've drowned all your levels, you've washed out your ore
And now I'm a free man in my chair reclining
I never will go back to the lead mining