The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22566   Message #245574
Posted By: bflat
21-Jun-00 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: So Where IS Your Computer???
Subject: RE: So Where IS Your Computer???
My Sony PC,in the corner of my room, sits on a drafting desk next to a computer desk with the peripherals and assorted manuals. I've got a comfortable black leather chair to swivel around and adjust the volume of my stero at my right elbow usually delivering NPR or one of the many CD's or tapes stacked. Behind me are: a great closet; the bed; TV on the dresser; two lamps, one of which my Dad won in an horseshoe contest 45 yrs ago; an antique table once my grandma's; a watercolor of a New England street scence complete with a bay and boats for sailing; an old mahogony hope chest; a music stand; a few guitars; my exercise bike;my rose colored carpet is showing wear around the PC; and my upholstered chair once the provenance of Lotte Lenya. My view out the windows from my chair is tree tops. I'm on the second floor of a colonial house set high on the property. Two cats visit frequently only one has any PC skill.