The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114941   Message #2456115
Posted By: GUEST,"Oh Why did I get married"
03-Oct-08 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: Songs my mother used to sing...
I have been looking for words to songs my mother used to sing, and hoped to find them on this link. I could not find. After I got them written down, I thought to post them because someone else might actually be looking for them.


Oh come gather all around me, you boys who want a wife.
Come listen to my story, you'll thank me all your life.
For I was once was a bachelor and wish'd I was again.
Why did I leave that single bliss, to don a ball and chain.

Oh why did I get married, what can the reason be.
If you want to see a missing link, just take a look at me..

Now the night that I proposed to her, here's the answer I got.
You'll have to build a house on it before I'll share your lot.
Well I went to see her father, and he cussed to beat the band.
Before I got the old man's foot, I took the daughters hand.

Now why did I get married, why did I don that neck yoke.
Why if I sass back, I'll get a slap, and liable to get my neck broke.

Now my wife she keeps the bank account while I keep right on working.
And I have to wear one shirt so long, that it looks like an old lace curtain.
Now my wife gets fatter every day, weighs 400 gross.
I haven't kissed her now in years, since I can't get that close.

Oh why did I get married, look what I've went and done.
Why it costs three times as much for two, to live as cheap as one.

Now she said I was the light of her life, but I went out too often.
Well I'll bet she strikes another match, the minute I'm in my coffin.
So boys before you get mixed up with a diamond rings and kisses,
Just remember that old safety rule, to stop, and look, and listen.

Oh why did I get married. I wish I was single again.
Old Solomon didn't have a thousand wives, a thousand wives had him.