The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114928   Message #2456917
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
04-Oct-08 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: Maddy Prior review - and free, signed CD
Subject: RE: Maddy Prior review - and free, signed CD
Inspired by Below The Salt (and some Christmas cheer of the liquid variety) three friends and I memorised Gaudete - we actually had the original 1582 version - and then did a pub-crawl along Holloway Road one December night. This consisted of the four of us running in, standing together in a row and blasting the assorted company with a rousing rendition of this carol, in full harmony at top voice, then running out again, quick, leaving the bar customers to their bemusement. (At the last port of call we made sure we got our drinks in first...)