The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114721   Message #2457881
Posted By: GUEST,Sigurdsson
05-Oct-08 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Icelandic lullaby
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Icelandic lullaby
In the beginning of Mýrin,
the lullaby that Örn starts singing
to his daughter in the hospital,
and which transitions to a haunting
graveside performance by an older,
male choir, is Sofðu unga ástin mín.

Although you can find versions of it
in many places, even amateur
performances on youtube, Mugison
arranged the version that you heard
specifically for the film, so you would
probably want to buy the soundtrack
from a site like .

A significant portion of website has
English support. Unfortunately, even
thought I bought and downloaded the
album specifically for that track,
it was the one track that had poor
audio quality. It sounded like fuzzy,
like it was coming through really
crappy speakers whenever the choir
swelled into that sad, beautiful harmony.

The album is still well worth the money,
however, and the tó downloads
are 192 kbps, with your choice of 3
file formats, and you can download
anything you've purchased several times,
without buying it again, which, with the
cost of bandwidth in Iceland, is quite
generous. Also, many Icelandic artists'
music videos are available for free viewing
via quicktime, plug-in, so if you have QT Pro,
or know what you're doing, it's really easy
to save the videos to your HDD and to extract
the audio.

I don't like to sound like a promoter for
anyone, so I'm repeating that the audio
on that lullaby is hardly perfect, but
I also have some bias toward supporting
Icelandic artists and businesses. So,
anyway, check it out, if you're still
interested, and good luck.


Sofðu unga ástin mín

Sofðu unga ástin mín.

Úti regnið grætur. 

Mamma geymir gullin þín,

gamla leggi og völuskrín. 

Við skulum ekki vaka um dimmar nætur. 

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit

minn er hugur þungur. 

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit, 

svíða grænan engireit.

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur. 

Sofðu lengi, sofðu rótt, 

seint mun best að vakna. 

Mæðan kenna mun þér fljótt, 

meðan hallar degi skjótt 

að mennirnir elska, missa, gráta og sakna.


PS - My other favourite song from this film
is Á sprengisandi, a folk song written by
Grím Thomsen (Danish name spelling)
in the 1800s.
