The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2457954
Posted By: Tootler
05-Oct-08 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Well said Ralphie! I said something similar a week ago. I come back from a week's holiday and I find this thread is still grinding on.

WAV, you say you have a BA in Humanities. Well, the people I knew who taught on Humanities degrees were at great pains to stress the importance of supporting one's assertions with credible evidence (as did those of us who taught the sciences). This means by reference to the acknowledged experts in the field. Citing your own poetry and Wikipedia is most definitely NOT making reference to credible evidence so why should we take any notice of what you say.

Also if you are truly interested in music of any form then the most important thing you can do is LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN. If you were to do that, you would very rapidly become dissatisfied with your material on your Myspace page and do something about it. Until you do, then I for one will not be able to take anything you say seriously at all because it will merely demonstrate to me that you are not willing to either learn or to improve.