The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115000   Message #2459007
Posted By: jimL
07-Oct-08 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: Vaughan Williams Day / Cecil Sharp House
Subject: RE: Vaughan Williams Day / Cecil Sharp House
"We programmed the break to give people the option to go out and get food!"

My experiences with festivals suggest that "programmed breaks" aren't what people want, what they want is stuff happening. Having said that, the people running sessions etc also have to eat. The session at CSH was well lead, but wasn't very high energy - there weren't dozens of people pressing to sing, but I think it might have gone on quite happily for longer with a bit of support.

As it was we walked round the corner into whatever the street is with all the cafes & pubs (Parkway?)and had a pint - so a winner there anyway.

Incidentally, we stayed at the Thistle Hotel on Cardington St - next to Euston Station, which was excellent, and cost us £45 per head B&B for a double room.

That's also quite convenient - especially for those with bus-passes, as you can get buses up and down Camden High St and walk through to CSH.

Still buzzing though - and I've got to get back down to the library to investigate the Work Song and Shanty section - well, and everything else, I guess :)

The Yorkshire Polymoth