The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115055   Message #2459212
Posted By: TIA
07-Oct-08 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
Subject: RE: BS: Would YOU be happy if Rep. did this?
This is just stupid.
Seems to me what we have here is a perfectly legal and sensibel method of combatting the Republican Tricks detailed in this link.

Not the much talked about machine quirks, but challenges at the polls (by out of state hacks bussed in to intimidate), caging lists, purges of the rolls, understaffed and under-equipped polling places, phony letters warning of police at the polls checking warrants and parking tickets, on and on and on.

And you've got a beef with this?

You don't give a damn about democracy - you're just shitting your pants 'cause you see that you're about to lose.

About damn time.