The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22411 Message #245959
Posted By: Linda Kelly
22-Jun-00 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football without tears
Subject: RE: BS: Football without tears
I think the problems that we have seen manifest themselves on the pitch go far deeper than football, any town centre on a Saturday night will be witness to that. Much as I hate to say it, and please god that I might be wrong, but our whole history and tradition is based on defeating our European brothers and sisters and on our success in doing so since century upon century, on confrontation and on disrespect for others. Thatcher threw the evil of Europe in our faces for 18 years, the tories continue to breed distrust and to cling onto soveriegnty, our press and media including the BBC do nothing but harp on about the war and the defeat of Germany or about our imperial past as if we did nothing else.Tony Adams, it was reported in the press was reading Henry V (which was a surprise since he looks like he can barely read at all) and was seen dressed like Richard the Lionheart in the papers. The abuse of other nations inthis country is terrible and it has to stop. We need to clamp down on our military traditions our trooping of the colour and frankly the Royal family has to go. Labour is too slow in transforming these things. The history we should be teaching our children should not be about what our fathers did in the war but the thousands of achievements that we have made through the centuries. We are all guilty of generating this climate of confrontation - do you know I cannot remember the last time I had a conversation with my father and he didn't mention the war -how sad is that . it's as if nothing else in the fifty years since has justified his existence. Meanwhile while we've been looking back, the rest of Europe have been getting on with there's and moving forward. I know that this is a bit of a rant, but I saw Panorama and I was ashamed that these people took pride in calling themselves English - they were disgusting pigs.