The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115014   Message #2459925
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
08-Oct-08 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: Not bad for an Irish woman (Enya)
Subject: RE: Not bad for an Irish woman
Hey Tam - I have come across lots of Yanks that understand irony - Lets not have that national stereotype bandied about:-) That Celtic Jihad song was great btw - just goes to show that some rap is worth listening to as well - Yet another stereotype blown!

Yes - I think you are right and, to be honest, I probably knew it all along. There is a certain group that is just expected to 'get over it' as you say. Doesn't make it right but at least it makes it understandable. Like I said in the other thread, as long as we don't confuse understandable with justifiable then I guess it is OK.

Anyway. The situation won't last long - I'm off to start a campaign for the rights of white middle-class fat blokes. We have been troden underfoot for far too long - We demand the right to wear socks with sandals! To go to the pub! To not 'be in touch with our inner self'! To wear brown shoes with black trousers! to...

Sorry? What's that dear? We need to go shopping? OK - coming...

Got to go.
