The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115014   Message #2460347
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Oct-08 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: Not bad for an Irish woman (Enya)
Subject: RE: Not bad for an Irish woman
I still don't understand - if you read 'slight or slur' into the subject why start this thread - do we really oppose offensiveness with offensiveness? On the other hand, were you making a joke as I believe the Cap'n's lady was?
Perhaps I should explain why I take all this seriously enough to pursue it.
Some years ago a number of feminists (a cause which has my wholehearted support) decided that they would attempt to prevent songs which they believed to be offensive to women from being sung at clubs. They went along to clubs and expressed their disapproval at such songs; I know several singers, men and women, who were actually booed off stage. As a result we lost a great number of excellent songs and I believe from conversations I have had with people effected, the feminist movement lost a number of supporters, male and female. Strangely enough, the protesters' disapproval did not extend towards anti-men songs, or songs about being 'past it', so presumably anti-maleism and ageism were acceptable.
Nonsense like this, far from helping human relationships, leads to disquiet and mistrust.
Really, why leave it here - let's get rid of Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice and Oliver Twist while we're at it.
Meant to say on the other thread 'Pity the Downtrodden Folksinger' - now there's a great subject for a song.
Jim Carroll