The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2461226
Posted By: Sawzaw
09-Oct-08 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Amos: "Bush after all is the one who took prosperity and gave back recession; and who gave us less peace than we had, as well."

Joseph Stiglitz, "The Roaring Nineties," The Atlantic Monthly, 10/02:

Clinton's Chairman Of Council Of Economic Advisors, Joseph Stiglitz, Said Recession Started During Clinton's Tenure. "It would be nice for us veterans of the Clinton Administration if we could simply blame mismanagement by President George W. Bush's economic team for this seemingly sudden turnaround in the economy, which coincided so closely with its taking charge. But … the economy was slipping into recession even before Bush took office, and the corporate scandals that are rocking America began much earlier...
... during the Clinton Administration "the groundwork for some of the problems we are now experiencing was being laid. Accounting standards slipped; deregulation was taken further than it should have been; and corporate greed was pandered to..."
Chicago Sun-Times, 8/8/02 Sunny Clinton Forecast Leaves Cloud Over Bush:

:...Most startling, the Commerce Department in 2000 showed the economy on an upswing through most of the election year, while in fact it was declining...."
Bill Clinton's peace that Bush inherited:

The No-Fly Zone War
The Yugoslav War
Bosnian Civil War
Kosovo War
bin Laden's War
Intervention in Somalia
Intervention in Haiti
Sudan bombing
Afghanistan bombing
Baghdad bombing 1996
Baghdad bombing 1998
Khobar towers attack
Trade Center attack
Kenya embassy attack
Tanzania embassy attack
USS Cole attack

number of military deaths during the Clinton administration:
1992 ......... 1,293
1993 ......... 1,213
1994 ......... 1,075
1995 ......... 2,465
1996 ......... 2,318
1997 .........   817
1998 ......... 2,252
1999 ......... 1,984