The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115119   Message #2461398
Posted By: Bee
09-Oct-08 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
Subject: RE: Mr,Brown declare war on Iceland
Emma, I think skarpi's emotive terms are in response to this:

"The Treasury released a document to Parliament yesterday showing it used sections of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 to take control of the bank's assets, saying in the statement the bank's collapse may harm the U.K. economy."

Was it necessary to use that particular act, I wonder, or was it in fact used to elicit an emotive reaction from the people of the UK, to imply the British government has no culpability?


On the bright side, I heard the other day on the news that, statistically speaking, people live on average eight years longer during a depression. This is put down to a healthier lifestyle forced on people: meals from scratch instead of processed or restaurant, more walking places instead of driving.