The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2461690
Posted By: Sawzaw
09-Oct-08 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
I missed a few of Clinton's peacetime activities:

U.S. drops cluster and 'laser-guided' bombs near Mosul August 19, 1993
U.S. Navy fire missiles on southern Iraq July 29th, 1993
U.S. fighter jet fires missile on southern Iraq June 29, 1993
U.S. fires 23 missiles on Baghdad June 26, 1993
U.S. bombs suspected radar site in northern Iraq April 18, 1993
U.S. fires two missiles on northern Iraq January 22, 1993
U.S. attacks suspected 'missile battery' in northern Iraq January 21, 1993
U.S. fires missile near Mosul and drops cluster bombs elsewhere in Iraq January 19, 1993
U.S. attacks northern Iraq and 75 US, British and French aircraft attack southern Iraq January 18, 1993
U.S. attack northern Iraq and U.S. warship fires 45 missiles on nuclear facility in Baghdad January 17, 1993
U.S. attacks 32 suspected missiles sites in Iraq January 13, 1993
No reported bombings during 1994 and 1995
U.S. fighter jet fires missile at Iraqi radar November 4, 1996
U.S. fighter jet fires missile at Iraqi radar....'oops, by mistake' November 2, 1996
U.S. Navy fires 17 missiles on southern Iraq September 4, 1996
U.S. Navy and B-52s fire 27 missiles on southern Iraq; extend southern 'no-fly-zone' September 3, 1996
U.S militarily helps the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) capture Irbil, August 31, 1996
Turkey approves of continued U.S. bombing in Northern Iraq, commencing Operation Northern Watch 1997
As UN-Iraq deal stalls US bombing: Clinton issues new war threats February 24 1998
Missile attack on Iraq anti-aircraft battery near Basra July 1 1998
Clinton Allegedly Orders Aerial Bombing on Iraq and then Pulls Back November 13, 1998
U.S. Attacks Baghdad for Four Days During Ramadan December 16-19, 1998
U.S. Fires Missiles on Northern Iraq December 28, 1998
U.S. Drop Bombs on Southern Iraq December 30, 1998
U.S. jets flew 34 sorties over Basra, Maisan, Dhi Qar and Najaf February 13 1999
American and British planes flew 42 missions in the South, killing 5 and wounding 22 February 15 1999
Navy fighters fire missiles at a SAM site near the city of an-Najaf Nov 22 1999
U.S. Air Force and Navy aircraft attack two Iraqi SAM sites near Al Iskandariyah.Feb. 24 1999
U.S. and British warplanes fire at two air defense sites in Iraq Feb. 10 1999
F-15s and two F-14s fire a total of six missiles at four Iraqi MiG-25s Jan. 5 1999

As of May 22 2000 there had been more than 470 separate incidents of Iraqi SAM and anti-aircraft artillery fire directed against coalition pilots since December 1998. Iraqi aircraft violated the southern no-fly zone more than 150 times during the same period

Coalition aircraft target four Iraqi military sites at Nasiriyah.April 4 2000