The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115119   Message #2462750
Posted By: Thompson
11-Oct-08 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
Subject: RE: Mr,Brown declare war on Iceland
Seems to me that the lads in the fancy suits are all panicking and running around screaming that the sky is falling. It never occurred to them that their individual greed could bring down the whole world economy and make a terrible worldwide recession - with job losses, home losses, soup lines and mass starvation - inevitable.

And I'd have to say that if I'd had their jobs, it wouldn't have occurred to me either, any more than it *really* occurs to me that driving the dog to the park for a walk makes me personally responsible for global warming.

A huge, unregulated and unstable system has overheated and gone up in flames, and no one knows where the fire extinguishers are kept; they were probably stowed away somewhere in a forgotten cupboard by the Bushes, Thatcher, Blair, Sarcozy, Berlusconi, Giuliani, Greenspan and the rest of the intelligent types who said "Danger of fire? Heavens, no!"