The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115170   Message #2462933
Posted By: CarolC
11-Oct-08 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Troopergate, anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Troopergate, anyone?
She committed abuses of power, not because she fired Monegan. Not even because of the way she fired Monegan. She had every right to do that, and the report says so unequivocally. She abused the public trust, and committed abuses of power because she used her official capacity as governor to apply pressure to state employees for personal gain, in particular, in allowing her husband to use her office and state resources in order to apply pressure to state employees for personal gain, which is against Alaska law (the personal gain being revenge in a family dispute).

They are saying that had she really been concerned about her safety and the safety of her family, she wouldn't have discontinued her personal security detail.

This debunks many of the claims being made by the Palins and being repeated by people like one of the posters in this thread...