The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115119   Message #2462962
Posted By: Arnie
11-Oct-08 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
Subject: RE: Mr,Brown declare war on Iceland
As I may well be personally affected by Icelandic actions, I'm going to get in my pennysworth! My local council, Kent CC has the largest investment of all UK councils in Icelandic banks - £50million. Some of that money is my council tax. If there's no problem with our money, then why did Icelandic banks in London start shipping our money back to Iceland a few days before Brown stepped in with a seizure order? Why not leave our money in the UK as usual? When I see my council tax contribution heading for Iceland, I get worried, as no doubt do the various police authorities and charities who've got their money tied up in Icelandic banks. If, as Skarpi says,the refund of our money is guaranteed, then let's have that in writing and we can all relax safe in the knowledge that our council tax will not rise and our local services will not be cut.