The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2463424
Posted By: Sawzaw
12-Oct-08 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Amos, I am deeply sorry that you choose to ignore history. Except when you want to cite history yourself. Then history become essential to discussion. As if any body that does not know that bit of history is ignorant.

Michael Buckley's rant is about McCain instead about Bush but he does have some rather entertaining opinions similaar to yours. You and he would make a lovely couple.

Michael Buckley is an American internet celebrity based in Connecticut who satirizes American celebrity culture on his vlog What the Buck. He has one of YouTube's most subscribed channels with several million viewers each month. In October 2007 Buckley "broke all records" of YouTube ratings when four of his shows ended up on the week's 10 top-rated videos. Buckley has appeared in magazines like The Advocate discussing subjects like homophobia on the internet. On 18 March 2008 Buckley won a 2007 YouTube Awards for best commentary with the video "LonelyGirl15 is Dead!".

Buckley has a husband and lives in Connecticut with their four dogs Ellie, George, Colin and Buddy. To show his fans his "softer side", Buckley has also begun to vlog about their home life.

Here is a response to Mr. Buckley:

Taxpayer Jim:

You say that 'It should be clear that McCain is another four years of Bush'. But you have provided little evidence that this is true. You also state that 'Capitalism is not about saving floundering businesses'. Would you rather the US sink into a deep depression? Based on your story, I believe you would. I hope I see you in the breadline so you can admit how stupid that statement was. the government isn't merely giving the businesses the money - it's a loan. The government has a long history of loaning money to businesses - the country was built on it. And while you're griping about 'paying for big business', ask yourself where you'd be if it weren't for big business to give you a job. Or are you a deadbeat? Exactly how much in taxes did you pay last year? I paid over $100K in taxes - and Obama admittedly wants to raise my taxes higher. If Obama is elected - the country will slip deeper into a recession, or worse. He has not the experience nor the ethics to run the greatest and most powerful country on earth. McCain does.

And how about you Amos? Do you work for a company? Would you want the Government help keep that company from going out of business or would you rather collect welfare form the government after it goes out of business?

I don't have to worry because I can always get a job flipping burgers and parking luxury cars for the filthy rich elitists who know what is best for the American public.