The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115170   Message #2463633
Posted By: Alice
12-Oct-08 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Troopergate, anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Troopergate, anyone?
In an Alaska radio interview, Palin asserts that up is down and black is white. She says she is very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrong doing (when she was not) and calls it a partisan circus when it was 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats who made up the Legislative council, and that calling Monegan a "rogue" is a GOOD thing.
"Palin: Rogue isn't a negative term"

At one point, the radio interviewer has to ask her, "Have you READ the whole report?"

Radio interview transcript here:
Through the Looking Glass With Sarah Palin.