The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115119   Message #2464075
Posted By: CarolC
12-Oct-08 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
Subject: RE: Mr. Brown declares war on Iceland
The UK's problems are way bigger than just the problems with this one bank, and they will continue to exist after everybody gets their money back from Icesave. It surprises me that the intelligent UK people here in the Mudcat are allowing Brown to distract them from the mistakes of the UK government by scapegoating Iceland.

In my country (the real cause of the problems that are having such a devastating effect on much of the rest of the world), the people responsible are trying to divert our attention away from their culpability by scapegoating poor people.

We shouldn't let them do that. If we do, they will get away with all of it.