The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115233   Message #2464686
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Oct-08 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
Subject: RE: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
And that's only the tip of the iceberg, folks. Even more outrageous than the false slurs launched against Barack and Michelle Obama are the incredible smear campaigns that have been directed at Chongo Chimp, such as:

RenataGate - The absurd suggestion that Chongo has been having an interspecies affair with his attractive human campaign manager, Renata Carson, a bright young Chicago intern.

ChingaGate - The even more absurd and totally untrue garbage that is forever being spread about concerning a supposed sister of Chongo's named "Chinga", when there is in fact no such sister and never has been such a sister. Chongo has 3 sisters. None of them is named "Chinga". Despite the fact that these "Chinga" rumors have no basis, though, they continue to be repeated, and they are all emanating from one single source: the offices of Amos J******, a ruthless muckraker employed by the Obama campaign for the sole purpose of derailing any and all other campaigns besides Obama's. Mr J****** lives in California where he has become notorious for his ceaseless attacks on any and all candidates who are not Democrats or are not working for Obama. He attacked Hillary Clinton ceaselessly. He has attacked McCain and Palin ceaselessly. He has attacked Chongo Chimp ceaselessly.

But the nerve of this man! In what amounts to absolutely brazen specism he first invents a fictional sister for Chongo Chimp, then concocts bizarre stories about their supposedly violent family history, and furthermore does the incredibly insulting thing of naming the fictional sister with a name that is also the dirtiest word in the entire Spanish language!

This is a transparently obvious attempt to alienate Hispanics from voting for Chongo and the APP, a party which works on behalf of all Americans, with no prejudice or favoritism.

One of the scurrilous techniques used by Amos (a twist that even Karl Rove would be embarrassed by) is the assertion of unknowns that are actually knowns. Demanding to know, for example, in shrill tones, what Chongo's history of family violence is when the answers are freely available (there was no such family violence), or why he won't show his firearms license when a copy of it is freely available on line. THis kind of nuttiness spews out from Amos on a daily basis, and would suggest that he is either mentally unbalanced or lost in an emotional frenzy of some kind that has rendered his ability to accurately assess reality null and void.

What concerns me the most is the evil dedication of the professional falsifiers and muckrakers such as Amos, whose sole purpose is to distort the democratic process by injecting flows of toxic waste, informationally speaking.

Christ. Did I just say "informationally speaking"? God help me. I'm going to have to stop reading Amos's weird diatribes altogether...his bloviatory language is beginning to permeate and infect my entire being! ;-)