The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115233   Message #2464713
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Oct-08 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
Subject: RE: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
"Ma, Ma, where's my pa?"

"If Lincoln [is]s elected hundreds of thousands of fugitive slaves [will] immediately emigrate to their friends - the Republicans - (in the) North, and be placed by them side by side in competition with white men."

"J. Q. Adams who can write" squared off against "Andy Jackson who can fight" in the election of 1828, one of the most bitter campaigns in American history. Jackson's followers repeated the charge that Adams was an "aristocrat" who had obtained office as a result of a "corrupt bargain." The Jackson forces also alleged that the president had used public funds to buy personal luxuries and had installed gaming tables in the White House. They even charged that Mrs. Adams had been born out of wedlock.

Adams's supporters countered by digging up an old story that Jackson had begun living with his wife before she was legally divorced from her first husband (which was technically true, although neither Jackson nor his wife Rachel knew her first husband was still living). They called the general a slave trader, a gambler, and a backwoods buffoon who could not spell more than one word out of four correctly. One Philadelphia editor published a handbill picturing the coffins of 12 men allegedly murdered by Jackson in numerous duels.

Washington has pretensions to a monarchy.


Campaign lies and dirt -- what else is new?