The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115233   Message #2464859
Posted By: harpmolly
13-Oct-08 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
Subject: RE: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?

The other night I called my very own mommy for a pep talk (after a last few weeks that have gone from bad to worse to completely surreal). She made a few encouraging noises at me, and then launched into a well-intentioned henpecking session about a certain aspect of my personal appearance (which shall remain unnamed) which she felt needed improvement, which would make me feel much better if only I would fix. I listened in total dumbfounded shock, responding with robotic comments while I flailed around for something polite to say without bursting into tears.

She then made the following offhanded comment: "So, I was asking a co-worker the other night if she thinks Obama is the Antichrist..." and burbled on in that vein for a moment. When I regained my composure and asked her calmly, "Mom, what possessed you to even SAY something like that?" she responded blithely, "Because I think he kind of is."

She may have had a contextual explanation, but we'll never know, because I more or less went nuclear on her. Not only did I have to find out that my mother and I apparently live on different PLANETS, but she was so blithely indifferent to my emotional state (which, after all, was the entire reason I'd called her) as to not only insult me personally, but administer a huge and offensive slap in the face to my political beliefs. (Her reaction to my expressions of hurt and anger? "I don't know why you're so mean to me. I guess I never say anything right. You're always criticizing and judging me." AUGGHHH!!!)

I know this is a long story and is only moderately on-topic, but I'm just sick about's really hurtful to realize that a person you have always loved and looked up to can so easily buy into the lies and propaganda being circulated out there. Her political leanings aren't news to me, but the level of disrespect and callousness she showed is completely freaking me out.

