The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115233   Message #2464895
Posted By: harpmolly
13-Oct-08 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
Subject: RE: BS: Mommy, Where Do Lies Come From?
Rapaire: Gee, well, thanks. I feel better now. Not. ;)

Irrational fearmongering is irrational fearmongering is irrational fearmongering. I didn't claim it was anyone's intellectual property. (Interesting list, though...I'm trying to think of anything Obama has said or done, for good *or* ill, that could possibly elevate him into such distinguished company. ;) Did he have a secret affair with Chongo?)

LH: I know, I know. Mothers exist to drive their children insane. Her timing just sucked, that's all...normally I would've shrugged it off, but she more or less tossed a lit match into a fireworks factory. *grin*