The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2465109
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
14-Oct-08 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
IB - I intend to have A quiet glass of the good stuff at tonight's singaround.

A hair of the dog, eh? But we all know where these things lead, WAV. God alone knows your writings are not those of a sober, or indeed sane, man - i.e.

I don't think economic/capitalist immigration/emigration (which makes up the majority of mass immigration) is a good thing; and I do think trying to have a multiple number of cultures living under the one state law will always cause problems - the most extreme of which is a current court case regarding terrorism and doctors. And NO - I hate the imperialistic idea of white supremacy, and genuinely love the world being's those such as Ruth Archer/Joan Crumb who have tried to paint me this way as they hate immigration being questioned.

It reads like the ravings of a mad horse - an endless string of thinly veiled racist euphemisms that doesn't fool anyone, at least no one here. We all know what you are, and now we all know why too; you are bitter because you have lost your once proud Native Australian Culture to a blurred mead-soaked illusion of English Folk. Sober up, WAV - before it's too late!