The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115250   Message #2465653
Posted By: Azizi
14-Oct-08 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama is a socialist
Subject: RE: BS: Obama is a socialist
There are wise and hopelessly stupid ones at all levels.

One has to wonder who is running the hopelessly stupid McCain campaign.

Take the campaign's targeting of ACORN.

Did McCain forget that he was a keynote speaker for an ACORN sponsored rally as late as Feb. 2006? If he forgot, why didn't his aids remember this before they tried to make ACORN the boogy man?

Check out this video and comments including this one:
"October 13, 2008, Miami, FL - U.S. Senator John McCains recent attacks on the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) are puzzling given his historic support for the organization and its efforts on behalf of immigrant Americans. As recently as February 20, 2006, Senator McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN-sponsored Immigration Rally in Miami, Florida at Miami Dade"


But actually, I think that McCain's main problem is bad judgment.

Take Ayers for example. I really hope that McCain brings up Ayers during the debate tomorrow. That will allow Obama to bring up these points that Republican Andrew Sullivan wrote about in his latest blog entry:

14 Oct 2008 12:46 pm
Republicans Who Fund Bill Ayers

"I think Obama's relatively weak but nonetheless real interactions with William Ayers are a legitimate campaign issue. But Obama's best response, after telling the facts of the relationship, is to point out who else supported him. Republican machers Walter and Leonora Annenberg gave the former terrorist $50 million. They also gave money to Rick Santorum, Strom Thurmond and Mitt Romney. Annenberg was Nixon's ambassador to Britain. If Obama is "palling around with terrorists," the Republican Annenbergs are funding them.

Yesterday, the McCain campain put out a press release boasting that Leonore Annenberg had just endorsed him for president. Why is McCain happy to accept the endorsement of a funder of terrorism?"